Many people have droopy eyelids which become more pronounced in old age. Some people can compensate for ptosis by raising their forehead muscles. It can make them tired and also they may lose peripheral vision in the upper field of … Continue reading
Eyelid Surgery: Decide If This Is The Right Solution For You
If you are considering eyelid surgery due to ptosis, or droopy eyelids, you should first make sure that you are a candidate. If it turns out that you are not, you should consider other treatments that have similar results to … Continue reading
Eyelid Surgery Basics
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a surgical option which helps to repair droopy eyelids through the removal of excess skin, fat, and muscle. As we age, our eyelids stretch, causing the supporting muscles to weaken. As a result, excess fat … Continue reading
Blepharoplasty is the name of a type of cosmetic plastic surgery which is done for eyelids. This cosmetic mode surgery is intended to recover from a droopy or eyelid that it involves in removing fatty or baggy skin from the … Continue reading
Treatment, prevention and next steps towards a perfect lower eyelid

The post talks about the perfect eyelid and explains that the best cure is prevention. Avoid harsh chemicals, environments and other factors that adversely affect your skin. Besides prevention, I assume that after so many years of pervention, simple “wear … Continue reading
Ptosis Surgery Video Blepharoplasty

Ptosis surgery, also known as blepharoplasty performed by Dr. John Martin. This video is about 12 minutes long and as with most eyelid surgery videos, it is graphic. He shows different techniques used. Dr. Martin also demonstrates the use of … Continue reading