Treatment, prevention and next steps towards a perfect lower eyelid

The post talks about the perfect eyelid and explains that the best cure is prevention. Avoid harsh chemicals, environments and other factors that adversely affect your skin. Besides prevention, I assume that after so many years of pervention, simple “wear and tear” from aging takes its tolls. Dr Haworth then suggests dietary supplements and also facial treatments like creams and vitamin enriched products also help with the battle against wrinkles, sagging and droppy eyelids.

The blog even suggests that these treatments if started early on may actually slow down the aging process.

The third option he suggests is actually too technical for me to describe to you so I’ll quote him and then send you on your way to read his post or just head on over there now.

The third and final treatment is direct physical intervention through the use of either lasers, Botox™/Xeomen™, fillers (Restylane®, Juvederm®, etc) and/or plastic surgery. Plastic surgery on the lower eyelid is called blepharoplasty and can consist of any combination of skin removal, fat bag reduction and eradicating the dark circles/hollows that frame the lower eyelid from the cheek.

As a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon dealing with the most discerning of patients, I perform lower eyelid rejuvenation every day in my practice. Any blepharoplasty specialist is well aware of the potential pitfalls of performing surgery on the lower eyelid. The most dreaded complication that patients are fearful of is a changed lower eyelid shape (that “pulled down” look that was so frequent in surgery before the 1990s).

Complete Blogpost

Found this at Dr. Haworth’s Blog. Dr. Haworth seems like one of the better known surgeons on the west coast. You can check out Dr. Haworth’s credentials here as well.

— post update. By the way, what a nice site that is, Dr Haworth’s site. Check it out when you get a chance, a bit dated but still really well done and nicely laid out. I just thought I’d tell you. At first I thought the font was too small, and I still think of it that way but the navigation and the delivery of information is well done

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